Update from our clinic on the COVID guidelines from the state and district
The clinic has recently received new COVID guidelines from the state as well as from the district.
Students who test positive are asked to self-report it online, instead of by phone (click this for step-by-step information). They need to log in to their SSO, click on the COVID-19 Central/Check-In icon, click on the Self-Report button, complete the information, and click Submit. It will be the student’s responsibility to email their teachers to start the conversation to come up with a plan to get their missing assignments.
Students who have a family member test positive do not need to quarantine at home if they are vaccinated (and we have their vaccine record on file) and they do not have any symptoms. It is recommended that they test between day 3 and 7 since their last exposure to the positive person, and that they wear a mask for 14 days, but neither is required. If they are not vaccinated or they are having symptoms, they must quarantine for 10 days from their last exposure to that person, and they need to call or email the clinic to start that process. This is not something that can be self-reported yet, but the district is working on it.
Students do not need a negative test or doctor’s note to return to school after having COVID; they just need to be fever-free for 24 hours, and have an improvement in symptoms. If they have a physical on file, there is a form that has to be signed by a doctor that goes to the trainers, and it specifies a “return to physical activity.”
Please visit the CISD Roadmap to Remaining Open for the most up-to-date information: https://www.conroeisd.net/roadmap-to-reopening/